We have seen step-by-step installation up to running ipython command to “Translate 125 Plus Languages Using Google Artificial Intelligence – Part 1″ on Google Cloud Platform.

Today we will see how to import the Google Speech-to-Text library, import standard Google Speech-to-Text functions, translate those speeches into US and French languages, print those words.

  1. Start the command below command if you already closed google cloudshell.


2. import speech library from google cloud

from google.cloud import speech_v1 as speech

import speech library from google cloud

3. Copy and paste a below code

Copy to Clipboard

transcribe an audio file with word timestamps,

4. Call the function Google Speech-to-Text

speech_to_text(config, audio)
 output from the Speech to text:

output speech_to_text

5. let’s Transcribe in french language.

Copy to Clipboard


transcribe the French and output