Every customer service team is trying to provide a better user experience in all the possible ways, it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes they end up in an awful situation such as high customer waiting time.

A better user experience relies on how fast we can provide the required information to customers while they are in call with customer service. This involves a set of three processes. The first step is where the customer calls the customer service team and the second step is the customer service team queries the system to get customer requested information and the third step is the customer service replying to the customer with the information obtained.

In one of my previous posts, I have already seen that the customer service team gets a lot of repeated questions from their clients. Most of the repeated questions can be handled by chatbots or Talkbots. The repeated questions that we get from customers do not require human intervention which I pointed out in this article “How to create your own SAP Chatbot in 10 days?” and Artificial Intelligence will help customers.



Traditional Customer with Customer Service Interaction:


Customer interaction with Chatbot:

Customer interaction with Talkbot:

If you compare all three, the future will eventually choose to talk to Talkbot instead of Chatbot.

·      Talkbot gives a much better user experience as research shows that customers always would like to talk to a person and get information.

·      Talkbot can give direct clear answers to the customer in their natural language.

·      Talkbot can talk as many languages with the help of language packs however a real person may not be able to handle so many languages.

·      Talkbot can work 24/7


I have added few lines of code and built a Talkbot from my previous AI Neural Network Chatbot and with the help of NeuralIntents code.

You can go to GitHub AITalkbot and download and run the Talkbot in less than a min.


Listen to the audio of the conversation with Talkbot.

Read AI and Machine Learning articles:

Fundamental Concepts of Machine Learning

Predict Customer SO Price Using ML Supervised Learning: Expectations vs. Reality

Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Using Neural Network and Natural Language Processing

Introduction and Hidden Secrets of Artificial Intelligence

How to create your own SAP Fiori Chatbot in 10 days?

A simple wireframe design for SAP FIORI UI Chatbot