May 2021
Day 20 – Acting Rationally: The rational agent approach – Artificial Intelligence
We have seen in detail “Thinking Humanly: The cognitive modeling approach”, “Acting Humanly: The Touring Test approach”, and “Thinking Rationally: The law of thoughts approach” in previous posts. We also did an in-depth analysis of how ...
DAY 19 – History of Artificial Intelligence – Snapshot
Artificial Intelligence was in a science fiction play “Rossum’s Universal Robots” in 1921. I have captured in a timeline way what "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" book tells us. The gestation of artificial intelligence ...
DAY 17 – Text to Image Generation Using OpenAI’s CLIP and BigGAN
We have in our previous post "Tiger Roaring In Forest – Generate Text to Image Using OpenAI CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network)". Today in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for natural language processing creating ...
DAY 16 – Thinking Rationally: The Laws of Thought Approach – Artificial Intelligence
So far we have seen “Thinking Humanly: The cognitive modeling approach” , “Acting Humanly: The Touring Test approach”, "Four Main Approaches to Artificial Intelligence", and about how to make an AI model think and act like ...
DAY 14 – AI Chatbot: Meet a five-time Loebner prize winner
Kuki is a chatbot created by Steve Worswick using Pandorabots AIML technology. This Artificial Intelligence chatbot is a five-time (2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019) Loebner Prize winner of a Turing Test competition. holds a world record. ...
DAY 13 – Artificial Intelligence in Hollywood Movies
Morgan Movie Image Source: YouTube Artificial Intelligence is dominating many fields at present. Many industries across the world have started to see the impact of AI these days. Being an animation and science fiction movie fan, I ...
April 2021
DAY 12 – Acting Humanly: The Turing Test approach – Artificial Intelligence
We have briefly discussed the Turing Test approach in one of our previous posts. It gave an understanding of the Four Main Approaches to Artificial Intelligence. Also, we have gone through in detail “Thinking Humanly: The cognitive ...
DAY 11 – Tiger Roaring In Forest – Generate Text to Image Using OpenAI
We have discussed how to convert Google's Artificial Intelligence Speech To Text in our previous post. Today I am going to show you how to generate image from text. You can type any combination of words ...
DAY 10 – Translate 125 Plus Languages Using Google Artificial Intelligence – Part 2
We have seen step-by-step installation up to running ipython command to "Translate 125 Plus Languages Using Google Artificial Intelligence - Part 1" on Google Cloud Platform. Today we will see how to import the Google Speech-to-Text ...